Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New year's camping

We met some friends near Wickenburg to camp and ride quads over New year's. Had a blast. Kids did donuts, built a fort, and jumped. You can see Wd catch some air.

Friday, January 03, 2014

Fun trip to the snow

We went to Julianne's parents' house up north to celebrate Christmas with them. The kids enjoyed the snow.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Boys' construction projects

The boys will at times open the garage and start building things. Here is a sample of their work.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Been a long time

Lets see, we've been to Flagstaff three times, Sedona, Portugal, two football games per week, one soccer game per week, two strept throat, pink eye, the waterpark umpteen times, read Harry Potter books, had birthdays, conferences, had a fire, had teeth pulled, couple of mud runs, the list goes on. I'm doing this from my phone so that's all for today.

Monday, August 12, 2013

First day, 2013

All the boys at the same school now. D=5th, p=2nd, w= kinder.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Georgia 2013 part 2

Well we were supposed to go home on the afternoon of the 10th. Get to the airport and the screen says "on time"' go check in and the worker tells me that our flight to Charlotte is delayed, and that they could put us in a hotel for the night. I said no thanks, and rescheduled for the 11th at 1250.
Got to the airport and the screen said "on time" (you probably already know where this is going) and my flight to Charlotte is delayed with no chance I'll make the connection to Phoenix. So now we leave the morning of the 12th at 545 am. The nice thing is that we got to spend some extra time with grandpappy and grandma karrie.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Georgia 2013

Having fun in Georgia. The beach pictures are from Tybee Island. The fire pics are from our third night of fireworks.  We got tired of lighting them off,  so we put all we had left in a 5 gallon home Depot bucket and lit it up. The quad pics in the forest are of Dad and Karrie after mud bogging.  One thing I just noticed that made me laugh is the pic of Dad, boys and I, it looks like I have a huge belly.  I don't, the wind was blowing my shirt.