Saturday, March 24, 2007

March rain creates mud for the kids

We received some well-needed rain this week. After work on Friday, took the boys to the dirt to play. Both Dylan and Parker really enjoy digging. I brought Dylan's 50 and Parker's Power wheels. The 50 does well in the water, as you've seen in previous posts and will see here

Bathroom 2007

Last year I blew out the master bathroom and got it finished up nicely. Now I've started "the boys'" bathroom. This bathroom suffered from the same ailments: improperly mounted toilet ruined the OSB subfloor, ugly cabinets, cheapo builder-standard one-piece shower/tub and chrome faucets, cheap (yet durable and slightly attractive) linoleum floor. Posted are some before pictures and some of the tearout pictures. Note in one of the pictures the screwdriver that slid easily through the 3/4" subfloor. One picture shows the cutout subfloor and the reinforcement I put in around where the toilet will go

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dunes- Dad and Dylan trip

Dylan and I went to the sand dunes. We loaded up Amy's 400ex and his LT50, a tent, a cooler, a shovel, firewood, some hot dogs and marshmallows, and sleeping bags. Dylan got to cook a hot dog over a fire, then "cook" marshmallows. We had glow sticks, sunburns, and a good time. He liked sleeping in the tent, riding his quad, but mostly loved playing in the sand. We ended up digging a gigantic hole that he rode his quad in.