Sunday, November 23, 2008

November Dunes

We went to Buttercup dunes this past weekend. Click here to see where we went. If you zoom out some you can really see how big the dunes are. The dunes stretch south some and up to the north quite a way. We had a fun time. Last dune trip, I tried taking Dylan out into the big dunes but his pizza-cutter bald rear tires would not grip enough to get up the hills. This time I brought paddle tires for his 80 quad, plus I fixed the clutch to work better. All paid off as I was able to take Dylan into the big hills. Unfortunately there are no pictures of that, but there are good photos of the kids riding around near our camp, and pictures of the big hole the kids and I dug. There is even a picture of me. Careful readers will notice there are never pictures of me on here, but the picture has Walker in it with a good smile. I sure look old.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween was fun. The kids drew what they wanted on the pumpkins and I carved them. We then went trick-or-treating but not for very long. Walker got tired quickly.