Saturday, April 25, 2009


More and more often, we find our big boy in his room reading books. The other day he read a story to his tiny brother. Also pictured are 2 of the boys wearing their Home Depot smocks.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kindergarten Zoo trip, and Easter

2 weeks ago I chaperoned the kindergarten field trip to the world wildlife zoo. This zoo is on the west side of town, west of Luke Air Force Base. The kids had a good time and I did too. The highlight of the trip was either feeding the giraffes or touching the stingrays. Yesterday was Easter and the Easter Bunny hid 64 eggs for the kids to find.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Almost 3 months

It has been almost 3 months since my last post. Tonight I am posting from my own, paid internet connection. I have been using my neighbor's connection since we moved in. He finally shut it down. Since last post we have
  1. been to Flagstaff to see what was left of the snow
  2. slide rock in Sedona
  3. camped in the backyard with the big boys
  4. learned to tie shoes
  5. and Walker sometimes sits in a big boy chair rather than his high chair