Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fun with cornstarch, and hiking Thunderbird Park

Amy mixed up a mess of cornstarch and water. The kids enjoyed playing with this goo in the backyard. Also pictured is a small hike that the big boys and I did this morning around Thunderbird Park and another link. I didn't think the kids could make the 700' climb so we just hiked to the bridge that crosses 59th ave and then back down the other side.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Walker 2, and 2 boys birthday

I'm a little late posting but Walker turned 2 a couple of days after Parker. We had a party for both boys. Amy made the Spongebob cake. The party was a pool party with a pinata and some fun games. Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Parker 4

It really doesn't seem that long ago that we celebrated Parker's 1st birthday, 2nd birthday, or 3rd birthday. Today our middle boy turns 4. On the left are pictures taken tonight, when he was 3, when he was 2, when he was 1, and when he was about 2 weeks old with his then very young older brother.