Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dunes 2009

The 5 of us went to the sand dunes this weekend. We had a great time. We dug a giant hole, played soccer, read books, and rode quads. The motorhome had a flat tire on the way home which was a bummer. The flat was on the "inside dually" on the passenger side. Dylan has read enough books now to fill up 6 pages in his book log (19 books per page) and is working on filling page 7. He and his momma even read in the dunes.

We've actually been to these dunes before, as evident from this post last year.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Arizona State Fair 2009

We pulled the kids out of school for a trip to the fair. We all had fun and had an ice cream at the end. We've been to the fair before, in 2006, and 2008. The fair is held at the Coliseum which you can see from this map.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 2009

The weather was very nice this year and we sat outside and enjoyed Halloween. Walker was going to wear Dylan's Spiderman suit from 2004 and 2005 but refused. Parker wore Dylan's fireman suit from 2007 and Dylan wore a cool police uniform. Be sure to check out Halloween 2006, Halloween 2007, and Halloween 2008