Wednesday, March 24, 2010

7 stitches for Parker

This afternoon, speed racer crashed his bicycle. He has a 14" Diego bike that he can really go fast on. He was chasing me (I was on Dylan's Free Agent) and somehow hit his pedal on the curb and he biffed. We went to the new Phoenix Children's Hospital Urgent Care up the street and had 7 stitches. Refer to this post from 2006 when Dylan had stitches in his head after a fall at ChuckECheese.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break trip

We had good intentions of going to the snow this year (as we did last year). When we found out there was no snow to go to, we engaged plan b and went to Table Mesa Rd. We camped in the little circle on the green arrow. The kids had fun riding around and going to play in the water. Since Arizona has had quite a lot of rain this year and snow in the high country, the river was flowing and there were lots of mud puddles around. These mud puddles bring out the guys with rock crawlers and big purpose-built river-crossing trucks. Some of these trucks were nothing more than a giant engine (with zoomies) and giant tires. These trucks attract quite a crowd at the wider river crossings.
Walker tried riding the 50 quad, but just wasn't in to it. He was however in to me pushing him around on it with the engine off. Amy snapped a picture of me pushing him along.
One other thing... the pictures taken down by the river are on purpose. Those pictures are in roughly the same lat/long as the pictures taken in this post from 2007.

Friday, March 19, 2010

BMX track

This week the kids had spring break. I took the boys to the BMX track one night for practice. Only Dyl rode. Though Parker probably could have done it, there were too many people and he probably would have been run over.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Field Day, and Soccer Finale

At D's school they had field day for K-2 students last week. I had the chance to participate in one event, "Dad versus kids Dodgeball" Actually there was one other dad who was on my team. Yesterday was the season finale of D's soccer season. He and the rest of the Tigers had 3 games to play in about 3 hours. The Tigers had to have a 4th game, a shootout, because they tied another team in wins and points. The Tigers came out on top after about 10 minutes.