Thursday, April 08, 2010

Wednesday night BMX practice

Dylan and I went to the BMX track the other night for practice. They charge $6 for a 2-hour practice session. After 1-hour though, Dylan's motor is all done and he is ready to go home.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a nice Easter this year. We had a nice egg hunt at our house then went to Ms Diane's for dinner. The Easter Bunny brought the boys some new lego trucks to build and play with. The weather was nice and we had breakfast outside and then a "dip" in the pool. The pool is still too cold to do anything with however.

Amy snapped some photos of the little boys this morning playing quietly and reading a book together. We don't get much quiet time so she took the time to capture the moment. Also, there is a picture of Parker's chin now that the stitches have been out for 4 days. Looks pretty good I think.

Here are links to previous years Easter posts.
Easter 2006
Easter 2007
Easter 2009