Saturday, June 26, 2010

Chop Cut Rebuild

The little buggy that we got came with a little motorcycle. The little motorcycle didn't run and had sat in the sun for a year. The red fenders and fairing were faded. The kids decided that we should take the bike apart, clean it, paint it, and get it running. We bought a new battery and a couple cans of Krylon Fusion Orange paint and then we were in business. The kids helped clean and sand the parts. To a limited extent, they helped me paint also.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Camping June 2010

We loaded up the boys in the motorhome and escaped 105 degree heat. We went camping at Willard Springs. We've been there before (recall from this post) and chose to go there by the boys' request to go to the "pine needle" place. The boys scoop up pine needles and make a giant pile, thus the name. Amy's parents came up too as well as her uncle, aunt, and cousin. We also had a surprise visit from Amy's friend Diane and her two kids as well.

The little buggy that you can see below in my previous post made the trip and saw some action, as did our quads. The earth is dry and you can see in some of the pictures the very dusty conditions. The kids didn't care and neither did we; at the end of the day we just throw them in the shower.

At the last minute I decided to put in a picture of the kids drinking their first Mountain Dew.