Monday, November 22, 2010

Dunes 2010

It was the weekend before Thanksgiving which means time for the annual dune trip. There were not a lot of people at the dunes which was great. The kids had lots of room to ride and hike around as a result of the sparse campers. Here is a link to 2009 dunes, 2008 dunes, and a special Dad trip in 2007. We did our usual things; ride quads, play in the sand, and dig a big hole.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

It was Halloween last weekend and we had a fun day. It has been some time since my last post. I actually sat down one evening and posted pictures and some words about my trip to England and Spain, but the computer froze mid-post and the post went away. On October 24th, we carved 3 pumpkins. These 3 pumpkins sat by our front door for 6 days. By the 2nd day, all 3 had a little mold growing inside. By the 4th day, the insides of all 3 were covered in mold. By the 6th day, the pumpkins were smushed-looking, moldy on the outside and underneath, and when I went to put them in a garbage bag my fingers pushed right through the soft, warm skin. Yuck. So Amy went and got 4 more that we carved on Halloween. Lots of fun this year. Last year P didn't want to go and W didn't want to dress up. This year all 3 dressed up and P made it to a couple houses, but not all. Here is Halloween 2009, which has links to other Halloweens as well.