Sunday, September 11, 2011

W-4, P-6, 2 boys birthday

It has been a long time since my last post. Guess I've been busy. School has started and D started 3rd grade, P started Kinder, and W started preschool. What else... the upstairs a/c went out, my Dodge a/c failed 3 times, and the weather has been really hot. Enough of that... today we celebrated P (6) and W (4) birthdays at Chunker Cheese. The boys had a blast. About 10 kids showed up. For your reference, 500 tokens is just about the correct amount for 10 kids in 2 hours. Oh yes, and a Costco cake is way too big, and 7 pizzas is more than enough. Here is last year's birthday party for 2 boys. And the year before is here and here.