Friday, April 27, 2012

New buggy engine

The little buggy came with a 4 stroke 43cc engine. The engine did not run well. I rebuilt the carb but it still wasn't right. I ordered a 49cc 2 stroke engine from ebay and after a little fabrication, we were up and running. The bug is much faster now.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring festival and Maricopa County Fair

The boys' school has a sping festival each year. There was lots to do including new for this year "hamster balls". I mean, well, just look at the pic of D crawling out of one. Next day we went to the county fair. This is at the state fairgrounds and is just like the state fair, except smaller and possibly more expen$ive . The weather was chilly and there weren't many people which was great.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Picture of one of the boys and I

Taken with a nice Nikon camera. Not my camera unfortunately. I'm always amazed about the quality of pictures when there is a good camera and good cameraman. Which boy am I holding?