Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dylan rides

Dylan (4 years, 4 months) has learned to ride his bike. In fact he just figured it out on Sunday. This morning (today is Thursday) I asked him if he wanted to ride to school. He said yes, so I got on my bike and he got on his and rode 1.7 miles to his preschool. Amy followed behind with the truck just in case it didn't work out. Little bugger made it all the way though. Here is a picture of him riding around the cul-de-sac.


Blogger Rob, Melissa, Luke & Joel Green said...

Congrats, Dylan! Luke just got his first 2-wheeler for his 3rd birthday last month and is doing good (with training wheels). Man, I miss AZ where people actually drive '70 Nova's as daily drivers.....


7:30 PM  

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