Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer is here

Now that the kids are out of school we have moved in to summer activities. Amy takes the kids to swimming lessons 4 days/week. After I get home from work we go in the pool if the pool is warm enough. The water has been around 82 degrees. Good pictures of Dylan and Parker jumping in together and of Parker going down the slide. Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend. Phoenix received some rain which cooled down the OAT and made some nice mud puddles. I took the kids to Table Mesa Rd for some muddy fun. We've gone there before as you can see from this post and from this post and from this post.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kindergarten is over

Today was Dylan's last day of kindergarten. He had a great teacher and a really nice school. Today there was a party to celebrate the last day but my camera died mid way through the festivities. Notice that his head is shaved. He requested this haircut. Here is a link to his first day of kinder, and here is a link to his first day of his first preschool (he ended up not going to the first preschool very long)

Thursday, May 07, 2009

New bike for Dylan

Dylan's 16" bike was too small. Now he rides a 20" Free Agent. He likes the bike enough that he wrote a letter to the principal at his school to ask when he could ride it to school. Yesterday Dylan was "called to the principal's office" to discuss the matter. I was proud of him for taking the initiative (with the help of his mom) to write the letter and see to it that the principal got it. In the end the two of them discussed that he can ride to school by himself when he is in third grade. Dylan said he was nervous going to her office.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Parker Rides

Middle-son Parker ( age 3 years, 8 months) had enough of his training wheels today and asked to have them off. His mom found him a 17mm wrench and he removed his wheels. Then after a slow start, he managed to propel himself around the cul-de-sac once, again, again, again, then finally twice without stopping. He still needs to work on stopping as his current stop process involves his brakes and dragging his feet lazily.

Older brother Dylan has a dedicated post to when he figured out two-wheeler riding which you can access by clicking here

There are also some pictures here of the boys new Costco picnic table from Grandma and Grandpa.