Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thomas the Tank, 2007

Fans may recall we visited Thomas the Tank Engine last May in Williams, AZ. Click here to see those pictures.

We had a fun time last year even though both kids were sick so we decided to go again. Once again we stayed the night in Flagstaff and drove to Williams in the morning. Nothing was different from our trip last year - same pushy parents, same rotten kids, same big tent where overpriced Thomas stuff was being sold. Nonetheless we had a good time and have pictures to remember the trip. There is a picture below of the boys with their tattoos (not a great picture); A picture of the boys next to one another to show the difference in size between the two; one of the boys next to Thomas (again, not a good picture); and finally a picture of the boys with Sir Tophamm Hat. Parker was not down with Sir Tophamm Hat


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